A gift to ARCS® Foundation is an opportunity to contribute to America’s scientific and economic future by supporting the best of our nation’s science, engineering, and medical research graduate students. For corporations, foundations and individuals, ARCS Foundation provides a unique and cost-effective method to provide direct support for the most promising scholars. ARCS Foundation Utah has selected the University of Utah College of Engineering to be the initial college to receive Scholar Award funds for their brightest PhD students.
When making a contribution to the ARCS Foundation Scholar Award Fund, it is good to know that 100 percent of each contribution is awarded to a student without deductions for administrative overhead.
Utah Chapter’s ARCS Foundation scholar awards provide an essential tool for recruiting the best scholars in the nation to come to Utah to study. By strengthening the scientific, engineering, and medical research programs in our state universities, ARCS Foundation Scholars make a significant contribution to Utah's economy. Through networking opportunities and corporate mentorships, ARCS Foundation Scholars are encouraged to remain in Utah after they receive their PhD degrees, thereby helping to strengthen the state’s technological and innovative capacity.
ARCS Foundation Endowed Named Scholar Award $500,000
This establishes one endowed named scholar award in perpetuity.
ARCS Foundation Named Scholar Award $15,000
Donated by one to three funders, this provides one student with a one year award of $15,000.
Scholar Award Fund
Gifts of any size to the Scholar Award Fund support our scholars. There are special opportunities to fund named scholar awards.
Gifts of Stock
Your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock. Contact us with questions, and please contact ARCS Foundation Utah Chapter at utah@arcsfoundation.org prior to gifting stock to obtain a transfer form and to allow for a timely handling to maximize the value of the gift.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many corporations encourage their associates to contribute to qualifying charitable organizations. A matching gift program offers a way to double associates’ contributions to their favorite charitable organization and thus improve their communities. You can contact your employer to determine if they will match your donation to ARCS Foundation Utah. All matching gift contributions go to the Scholar Awards Fund unless designated otherwise.
Planned Giving
Consider naming ARCS Foundation Utah in your estate plan. Contact us at utah@arcsfoundation.org for more information.
To learn more about making a contribution to the ARCS Foundation Utah Chapter, contact us:
Email: utah@arcsfoundation.org
Mail: ARCS Foundation Utah, PO 91162, Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Use the following Donate button to make a donation of any amount to ARCS Foundation Utah using your credit card. A PayPal account is NOT required.
Members, please do not use this link to make dues payments. Here is the page for dues payments.
ARCS Foundation Utah is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ARCS Foundation Utah tax ID is 27-0574915.