Sean Collon, MD, ARCS Scholar 2019-2020 is working on two projects related to eye health in Utah. The first is a Community Health Needs Assessment which will provide data to allow for much more efficient and effective delivery of care to underserved regions and populations. The data collection phase is just beginning with a survey distributed in Utah to all primary care and eye clinics thoughout the state, especially free clinics, focus groups, etc.
Dr. Collon has also been working with the People's Health Clinic in Park City, a free clinic for the uninsured in Park City and the surrounding rural communities, on implementing a tele- ophthalmology program. The program is up and running although the volume is not high yet. But at a recent screening event out of four patients, one had vision threatening diabetic retinopathy that would not have been detected without the program. That patient was able to be referred to the new Moran outreach retina clinic for advanced diagnostics and treatment, if needed. This program is a big step for eye care at the People’s Health Clinic and a model that can be implemented on a much larger scale. Sean is starting to work with the Moab free clinic and their program will be getting started in the coming weeks and has also started conversations with clinics in Green River and St. George, and with a large group of community safety net clinics in the Salt Lake area to discuss implementing a similar program for them. It is easy to see that this type of intervention can be critical for saving eye sight.

Sean Collon (center) shown here at the People's Health Clinic with Dr. Eric Weinlander, Cornea Fellow (left) and Dr. Brad Jacobsen, Chief Resident (right) also of the Moran Eye Center. Dr. Jacobsen is also an ARCS Scholar (2017-2018)