September 8, 2010 Gould Distinguished Lecture
Again, ARCS Foundation Utah members attended the University of Utah’s Annual Gould Distinguished Lecture on Technology and the Quality of Life. This year’s distinguished lecture was given by Dr. Yoky Matsuoka, a faculty member and roboticist at the University of Washington-Seattle. The title of her presentation was “Neurobotics: Human-Robot Interfaces, Restoring the Quality of Life through Engineering.” A UC-Berkeley-, MIT- and Harvard-trained engineer, Dr. Matsuoka shared with the audience her exciting collaborative research. Following the lecture, ARCS Foundation members enjoyed lunch and discussion regarding future events.
October 5, 2010 First Scholar Awards Luncheon
ARCS Foundation Utah held its first Scholar Awards Luncheon at the University of Utah Warnock Engineering Building. Scholar awards were presented to PhD students Shannon Hanson, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Nicholas Nolta, Bioengineering; and Joshua Sewell, Chemical Engineering. The guest speaker for the event was Dr. Paul LaStayo, associate professor in the U of U Department of Physical Therapy and director of the Skeletal Muscle Exercise Research Facility. Dr. LaStayo was a Phoenix Chapter ARCS Scholar and attributes his ARCS Foundation support as the critical component that helped initiate his work involving the enhancement of muscle function in elderly populations.
At the annual Scholar Awards Luncheon, students receive their ARCS Foundation Utah Scholar Awards and are provided the opportunity to meet with donors, guests, university faculty and ARCS Foundation Utah members. We look forward to this event growing and to our new Chapter including our own scholar alums. [Photo of Paul - UT_LaStayo_Paul]
February 2, 2011 CARMA Center Tour
We enjoyed a presentation on atrial fibrillation and a tour of the University of Utah Hospital’s CARMA Center (Center for Arrhythmia Research and Management). Dr. Nassir F. Marrouche, director of the CARMA Center and husband of our Utah Chapter VP for Programs and Events Robin Rankin Marrouche, gave a very interesting presentation on how research scientists and physicians at the U of U are developing breakthrough technologies to improve the treatment and management of heart conditions like atrial fibrillation. Following the presentation and a tour of the lab, ARCS Foundation members participated in a simple cardiac screening that utilizes an ECG to detect the rhythm of the heart. Test results were interpreted and questions answered privately by a nurse practitioner.
March 31, 2011 L-3 Communications West Tour
L-3 is a leading provider of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems, secure communications systems, aircraft modernization, training and government services and is a merchant supplier of a broad array of high-tech products. Its customers include the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, selected U.S. government intelligence agencies and aerospace prime contractors. Presentations were given by Susan D. Opp, president and chief operating officer (in picture with ARCS Utah Chapter President Cece Foxley), and Camille Guth, VP for Human Resources. Members were able to tour three facilities: a two-Hummer communications unit used in Iraq, three antenna laboratories that test very sensitive antennae, and a Network Simulation installation that allows testing of military equipment in realistic situations before it is delivered to the customer. Key employees were on hand to show us the facilities and answer questions.
May 17, 2011 Moran Eye Center
Utah Chapter members were treated to an exclusive tour of the University of Utah John A. Moran Eye Center. Dr. Randall J. Olson, chair of Ophthalmology and CEO of the Moran Eye Center (photo below left), welcomed members and gave us an overview of the center and described the building, where the east side is dedicated to research and the west side is dedicated to clinical care. The center has 50 faculty members of which 40 percent are fully engaged in research. We then heard from Dr. Margaret M. “Meg” DeAngelis, associate professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and a new ARCS Foundation Utah member.
Meg gave the presentation “Curing Age-Related Macular Degeneration in our Lifetime.” She explained genetic and environmental factors involved in the disease, methods of research and use of the Utah Population Data Base. Dr. Bryan W. Jones, research assistant professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (photo above), gave the presentation “Connectomics: The Retina in Health and Disease.” His work involves disorders of retinal degeneration and how these diseases affect the intrinsic retinal circuitry, including the implications for rescue of vision via gene therapy. Dr. Paul S. Bernstein, professor and associate director of Research, gave the presentation “Nutritional Interventions for Macular Degeneration.” He gave recommendations for use of antioxidant vitamins for patients with age-related macular degeneration. The group was then invited to tour the CMT Lab and the Connectome Lab. The event ended with refreshments and socializing.
August 11, 2011 Member Event
Members made a special visit to the Kimball Arts Center in Park City to see “Relevant 2011 Exhibition,” featuring the work of college artists and their mentors, followed by a social gathering at the home of a Chapter member.